Price list n° 56/2 updated to 24/03/2016

The catalogue Bags contains 16 items

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Photo Model Name/Short description Price € Price $ Cart
BAN-VLE Bag for long neck Banjos and round Bouzoukis
For all the models 505 - 505/5 - 705M and from 901 a 909
35,00 38,50
BAN-VLP Padded Bag for long neck Banjos and round Bouzoukis
For all the models 505 - 505/5 - 705M and from 901 a 909
58,00 63,80
BAN-VSE Bag for medium neck Banjos and flat Mandolas
For all the models 505 T - 703 M and all 704 M
30,00 33,00
BAN-VSP Padded Bag for medium neck Banjos and flat Mandolas
For all the models 505 T - 703 M and all 704 M
48,00 52,80
CHC-1 Charango Bag
For model 016. Padded, in native "Aguayo" cloths.
30,00 33,00
GUI-E2 Bag for reduced size Guitars
For guitars 1/2 e 3/4, and for Cuatros model 015
16,00 17,60
MAN-VFE Bag for flat Mandolins and Banjo Mandolins
For flat Mandolins and Banjo Mandolins models 703 - 704 - 703ER
26,00 28,60
MAN-VFP Padded Bag for flat/round Mandolins and small instruments
For all flat and round Mandolins and for 1,1/4 - 013 - 014 - 016 - all 504 - 900 - 912
45,00 49,50
MAN-VRE Bag for round Mandolins
For all models
20,00 22,00
MAO-VFE Bag for round Mandola
For models 602M-N - 602MP-P - 602MBPs - 609MP
30,00 33,00
MAO-VFP Padded Bag for round Mandola
For models 602M-N - 602MP-P - 602MBPs - 609MP
45,00 49,50
MRE-PLY Padded rectangular Bag
For models 217 B/3 - 015 - 505 T - 505 T-DA - 610 T - 616 - 703 M - 706 B - 914S
35,00 38,50
SE-2SB Bag for Guitars
For normal size Guitars. Different colours
22,00 24,20
SE-J Bag for Jumbo Guitars
For models J/6, J/12, 209, 290, 460. Different colours
26,00 28,60
ST-SC Padded Bag for Guitars or Requinto
For models 1 and 3, for the Cuban Tres and the Requinto. In Scottish type sky, padded
37,00 40,70
UKE-VFE Bag for small instruments
For reducted guitar mod. 1,1/4 and for models: 011 - 011/6 - 013 - 014 - 016 - 504 - 602R - 701 - 900 - 912
20,00 22,00

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