Unusual and hard to find
stringed musical instruments
from all over the world

All hand made in Sicily

Last News

31/12/2023 Musikalia on stand-by, manufacture interrupted
Dear friends and supporters of Musikalia, in wishing you a peaceful 2024, I inform you that I have decided to put the business, founded by my father and his brother in 1950, on stand-by, after 73 years of an honored career. Given the difficulties caused by the events of recent years, especially in relations with foreign countries, I have made the decision to close the VAT number and stop the manufacture of new instruments from 31 December 2023. I remain available for information and details on the instruments you collect. Those who wish can still visit the workshop by appointment and view the series of instruments, both ancient and recent, from the family collections. Thanks for everything and good music, Alda Leone
08/08/2020 Summer Closure
Our workshop will be officially closed for all August. Order will be regularly processed but may be sent with some days of delay than usual. We will always answer to e-mails and accept visits on appointment

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www.musikalia.it - info@musikalia.it

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